
Mapdl.tbcopy(lab='', matf='', matt='', **kwargs)#


Copies a data table from one material to another.


Data table label. See the TB command for valid labels, and see “Notes” for Lab = ALL.


Material reference number where data table is to be copied from.


Material reference number where data table is to be copied to.


Extra arguments to be passed to Mapdl.run.


The TBCOPY command, with Lab = ALL, copies all of the nonlinear data defined by the TB command. If you copy a model that includes both yield behavior constants and linear constants (for example, a BKIN model), TBCOPY,ALL and MPCOPY are used together to copy the entire model. All input data associated with the model is copied, that is, all data defined through the TB and MP commands.

Also, if you copy a material model using the Material Model Interface (Edit> Copy), both the commands TBCOPY,ALL and MPCOPY are issued, regardless of whether the model includes linear constants only, or if it includes a combination of linear and yield behavior constants.

This command is also valid in SOLUTION.