Undocumented inquire commands#


DISCLAIMER: This function is un-documented in the official ANSYS Command Reference Guide. Hence its support is limited and it use is not encouraged. Please use it with caution.

Undocumented inquire commands.

Mapdl.ndinqr(node, key[, pname])

Get information about a node.

Mapdl.elmiqr(ielem, key[, pname])

Get information about an element.

Mapdl.kpinqr(knmi, key[, pname])

Get information about a keypoints.

Mapdl.lsinqr(line, key[, pname])

Get information about a line segment.

Mapdl.arinqr(anmi, key[, pname])

Get information about a area.

Mapdl.vlinqr(vnmi, key[, pname])

Get information about a volume.

Mapdl.rlinqr(nreal, key[, pname])

Get information about a real constant set.

Mapdl.gapiqr(ngap, key[, pname])

Get information about a dynamic gap set.

Mapdl.masiqr(node, key[, pname])

Get information about masters nodes.

Mapdl.ceinqr(nce, key[, pname])

Get information about a constraint equation set.

Mapdl.cpinqr(ncp, key[, pname])

Get information about a coupled set.

Mapdl.csyiqr(ncsy, key[, pname])

Get information about a coordinate system.

Mapdl.etyiqr(itype, key[, pname])

Get information about an element type.

Mapdl.foriqr(node, key[, pname])

Get information about nodal loads.

Mapdl.sectinqr(nsect, key[, pname])

Get information about a section id set.

Mapdl.mpinqr(mat, iprop, key[, pname])

Get information about a material property.

Mapdl.dget(node, idf, kcmplx[, pname])

Get a constraint from the data base.

Mapdl.fget(node, idf, kcmplx[, pname])

Get a force load from the data base.

Mapdl.erinqr(key[, pname])

Obtain information from common errors.