
Mapdl.tbeo(par='', value='', **kwargs)#

APDL Command: TBEO

Sets special options or parameters for material data tables.


Parameter name:

CAPCREEPREG - Available for the viscoplasticity/creep model (TB,CREEP), allows two creep

models to be specified via the same material ID when used with the Extended Drucker-Prager model (TB,EDP).


Parameter value:

SHEA - Use the shear stress-state creep model with the Extended Drucker-Prager model.

Valid only when Par = CAPCREEPREG.

COMP - Use the compaction stress-state creep model with the Extended Drucker-Prager

model. Valid only when Par = CAPCREEPREG.


Extra arguments to be passed to Mapdl.run.


Issue the TBEO command after activating the data table (TB) but before defining data for the table (TBDATA) or a point on a nonlinear data curve (TBPT).