
Mapdl.cycspec(label='', node='', item='', comp='', **kwargs)#

Defines the set of result items for a subsequent CYCCALC command in

APDL Command: CYCSPEC postprocessing a cyclic harmonic mode-superposition analysis.


One of the following labels:

ADD - Adds a new specification to the set (default). The maximum number of

specifications that can be defined is 50.

LIST - Lists the current set of specifications. Node, Item, Comp are ignored.

ERASE - Erases the current set of specifications. Node, Item, Comp are ignored.

DELETE - Deletes an existing specification. Item, Comp are ignored.


The node at which to evaluate the results. If Node is a nodal component, then all nodes in the component are included. All sectors containing this node (or set of nodes) are evaluated.


Specifies the type of values to evaluate:

U - Displacement

S - Stress

EPEL - Elastic strain


Specifies the specific component of displacement, stress, or strain to evaluate:

X,Y,Z - Direct components

XY,YZ,XZ - Shear components (stress and strain only)

1,2,3 - Principal values (stress and strain only)

EQV - Equivalent value (stress and strain only)

SUM - Vector sum (displacement only)

NORM - L2 norm for the set of nodes (displacement only)


Up to 50 specifications can be defined for use in a subsequent CYCCALC command. If more than 50 specifications are desired, erase the table after the CYCCALC operation and add new specifications and repeat the CYCCALC command. All the specified nodes, items, and components are evaluated for all sectors and the maximum amplitude value output. For combined stresses and strains (Comp = 1,2,3 or EQV) or displacement vector sum (Comp = SUM), a 360 degree phase sweep is performed at each location to determine the maximum.

Additional POST1 controls are used to refine the specification. For component values, components are in the RSYS direction. For shell elements, the results are at the SHELL location. For EPEL,EQV, the results are based on the EFFNU value on the AVPRIN command. The controls active when the CYCCALC command is issued determine the result values. If results at another SHELL location are desired, issue the new SHELL command and then re-issue the CYCCALC command.

If a single node is input, the Item/Comp value at that location in each sector is output. If a node component is given, then the maximum Item/Comp value within the set of nodes of each sector is output, one value for each sector (the node of the maximum may vary from sector to sector). For stress and strain items, only corner nodes are valid.

For the displacement norm option (Item = U, Comp = NORM), the L2 norm computed from all the nodes in the component is output, one per sector.