
Mapdl.hrcplx(loadstep='', substep='', omegat='', firstlc_ase='', secondlc_ase='', **kwargs)#

Computes and stores in the database the time-harmonic solution at a

APDL Command: HRCPLX prescribed phase angle.


Load step number of the data set to be read (defaults to 1).


Substep number within LOADSTEP.


Angle in degrees (Ω (angle) times T (time)).


First load case number (defaults to 1).


Second load case number (defaults to 2).


HRCPLX invokes a macro that combines the real and imaginary parts of the solution. If the angle is specified, it produces the following:


RR and RI are, respectively, the real and imaginary parts of the results quantity (e.g. the nodal displacements, the reaction forces, …).

α is the angle (OMEGAT).

1STLCASE and 2NDLCASE are internally generated load cases. You may want to specify these to avoid overwriting an existing load case number 1 or 2.

Not all results computed by this command are valid. See Summable, Non- Summable and Constant Data in the Basic Analysis Guide for more information. When the amplitude of the solution is requested (OMEGAT >= 360°), averaged values (such as the nodal component stresses, which are an average of element nodal component stresses) are calculated by averaging the amplitudes. Because the degrees of freedom results have different phases, derived results (such as the equivalent stress SEQV) are not valid. See POST1 and POST26 – Complex Results Postprocessing for more details about post-processing complex results.

For postprocessing amplitudes, the only appropriate coordinate system is the solution coordinate system (RSYS ,SOLU). When displaying the displacement amplitudes, use a contour display (PLNSOL command). Because a deformed shape display (PLDISP command) could lead to a non- physical shape, the displacement scaling is off by default (/DSCALE,,OFF).

For postprocessing cylindrical geometry, it is suggested that you rotate the element coordinate systems into the appropriate cylindrical system (EMODIF,,ESYS) before running the solution and then view the results in this system (RSYS,SOLU) in POST1.

Since HRCPLX performs load case combinations, it alters most of the data in the database. In particular, it alters applied loads such as forces and imposed displacements. To restore the original loads in the database for a subsequent analysis, reissue the SET command in POST1 to retrieve the real and imaginary set data.

To animate the solution over one period, use the ANHARM command.

OMEGAT is not equal to the phase shift.

This command is not supported after a cyclic symmetry analysis; use /CYCEXPAND,,PHASEANG instead.