- Mapdl.edale(option='', afac='', bfac='', dfac='', efac='', start='', end='', **kwargs)#
Assigns mesh smoothing to explicit dynamic elements that use
APDL Command: EDALE the ALE formulation.
- Parameters:
- option
Label identifying the option to be performed:
ADD - Add smoothing controls (default).
DELETE - Delete smoothing controls.
LIST - List smoothing controls.
- afac
Simple average smoothing weight factor (default = 0).
- bfac
Volume weighted smoothing weight factor (default = 0).
- dfac
Equipotential smoothing weight factor (default = 0).
- efac
Equilibrium smoothing weight factor (default = 0). EFAC is only applicable to PLANE162 elements.
- start
Start time for ALE smoothing (default = 0).
- end
End time for ALE smoothing (default = 1e20).
Mesh smoothing specified by the EDALE command is only applicable to PLANE162 and SOLID164 elements that are flagged to use the ALE formulation (KEYOPT(5) = 1). To activate the ALE formulation, you must specify at least one smoothing weight factor on this command and the number of cycles between advection (NADV) on the EDGCALE command. See Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Formulation in the ANSYS LS-DYNA User’s Guide for more information.
The EDALE command is also valid in PREP7.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction: This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.