- Mapdl.setfgap(gap='', ropt='', pamb='', acf1='', acf2='', pref='', mfp='', **kwargs)#
Updates or defines the real constant table for squeeze film elements.
- Parameters:
- gap
Gap separation.
- ropt
Real constant set option.
- 0 - Creates separate real constant sets for each selected element with the
specified real constant values (default).
- 1 - Updates existing real constant sets. The gap separation is updated from
displacement results in the database. Other real constants are updated as specified in the command input parameters.
- pamb
Ambient pressure.
- acf1, acf2
Accommodation factor 1 and 2.
- pref
Reference pressure for mean free path.
- mfp
Mean free path.
This command is used for large signal cases to update the gap separation real constant on a per-element basis. Issue this command prior to solution using the default ROPT value to initialize real constant sets for every fluid element. After a solution, you can re- issue the command to update the real constant set for a subsequent analysis. See Introduction for more information on thin film analyses.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction: This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.