
Mapdl.facet(lab='', **kwargs)#

Specifies the facet representation used to form solid model displays.

APDL Command: /FACET


Valid labels:

FINE - Use finer tessellation to increase the number of facets for the display.

Provides the best representation (but decreases speed of operation).

NORML - Use the basic number of facets for the display (default).

COAR - Use a limited number of facets for the display. This option will increase the

speed of the operations, but may produce poor representations for some imported models.

WIRE - Display model with a wireframe representation (fast, but surfaces will not be



Specifies the facet (or polygon) representation used to form solid model displays. Used only with the APLOT, ASUM, VPLOT, and VSUM commands.

This command is valid in any processor.