
Mapdl.vup(wn='', label='', **kwargs)#

Specifies the global Cartesian coordinate system reference orientation.

APDL Command: /VUP


Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).



  • Y : Y vertical upward, X horizontal to the right, Z out from the screen (default).

  • -Y : Y vertical downward, X horizontal to the left, Z out from the screen.

  • X : X vertical upward, Y horizontal to the left, Z out from the screen.

  • -X : X vertical downward, Y horizontal to the right, Z out from the screen.

  • Z : Z vertical upward, Y horizontal to the right, X out from the screen. With this choice, you should use a view other than the /VIEW default of (0,0,1).

  • -Z : Z vertical downward, Y horizontal to the left, X out from the screen. With this choice, you should use a view other than the /VIEW default of (0,0,1).


Specifies the global Cartesian coordinate system reference orientation. The /VIEW and /ANGLE commands may be used to reorient the view and are relative to this reference orientation. All coordinate systems are right-handed.

This command is valid in any processor.