
Mapdl.sfact(type_='', **kwargs)#

Allows safety factor or margin of safety calculations to be made.



Type of calculation:

0 - No nodal safety factor or margin of safety calculations.

1 - Calculate and store safety factors in place of nodal stresses.

2 - Calculate and store margins of safety in place of nodal stresses.


Allows safety factor (SF) or margin of safety (MS) calculations to be made for the average nodal stresses according to:

SF = SALLOW/|Stress|

MS = (SALLOW/|Stress|) -- 1.0

Calculations are done during the display, select, or sort operation (in the active coordinate system [RSYS]) with results stored in place of the nodal stresses. Use the PRNSOL or PLNSOL command to display the results.

The results are meaningful only for the stress (SIG1, SIGE, etc.) upon which SALLOW is based. Nodal temperatures used are those automatically stored for the node. Related commands are SFCALC, SALLOW, TALLOW.