- Mapdl.sfcalc(labr='', labs='', labt='', type_='', **kwargs)#
Calculates the safety factor or margin of safety.
- Parameters:
- labr
Label assigned to results. If same as existing label, the existing values will be overwritten by these results.
- labs
Labeled result item corresponding to the element stress.
- labt
Labeled result item corresponding to the element temperature.
- type_
Type of calculation:
0 or 1 - Use safety factor (SF) calculation.
2 - Use margin of safety (MS) calculation.
3 - Use 1/SF calculation.
Calculates safety factor (SF) or margin of safety (MS) as described for the SFACT command for any labeled result item (see ETABLE command) for the selected elements. Use the PRETAB or PLETAB command to display results. Allowable element stress is determined from the SALLOW-TALLOW table [SALLOW, TALLOW].