- Mapdl.djdele(elem='', lab='', **kwargs)#
Deletes boundary conditions on the components of relative motion of a
APDL Command: DJDELE joint element.
- Parameters:
- elem
Element number or ALL. ALL (or leaving this field blank) will delete all joint element boundary conditions specified by LAB.
- lab
Valid labels are:
UX - Displacement in local x direction.
UY - Displacement in local y direction.
UZ - Displacement in local z direction.
ROTX - Rotation about local x axis.
ROTY - Rotation about local y axis.
ROTZ - Rotation about local z axis.
VELX - Linear velocity in local x direction.
VELY - Linear velocity in local y direction.
VELZ - Linear velocity in local z direction.
OMGX - Angular velocity in local x direction.
OMGY - Angular velocity in local y direction.
OMGZ - Angular velocity in local z direction.
ACCX - Linear acceleration in local x direction.
ACCY - Linear acceleration in local y direction.
ACCZ - Linear acceleration in local z direction.
DMGX - Angular acceleration in local x direction.
DMGY - Angular acceleration in local y direction.
DMGZ - Angular acceleration in local z direction.
ALL, or (blank) - Delete all applied boundary conditions.
This command is valid for MPC184 joint elements. See DJ for information on specifying boundary conditions on the components of relative motion of a joint element.