
Mapdl.ksel(type_='', item='', comp='', vmin='', vmax='', vinc='', kabs='', **kwargs)#

Selects a subset of keypoints or hard points.

APDL Command: KSEL


Starting with PyMAPDL v0.66.0, you can use “P” as a second argument to select entities interactively. A window pops up allowing you to select, unselect, add or reselect entities depending on the first argument type_. An array with the ids of new selection is returned when the window is closed.

You can switch between selecting and unselecting pressing the keyboard key U.


Label identifying the type of select:


Select a new set (default).


Reselect a set from the current set.


Additionally select a set and extend the current set.


Unselect a set from the current set.


Restore the full set.


Unselect the full set.


Invert the current set (selected becomes unselected and vice versa).


Display the current select status.

The following fields are used only with Type = S, R, A, or U:

Label identifying data. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a component label. If Item = PICK (or simply “P”), graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). Defaults to KP.


Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.


Minimum value of item range. Ranges are keypoint numbers, coordinate values, attribute numbers, etc., as appropriate for the item. A component name (as specified on the CM (p. 338) command) may also be substituted for VMIN (VMAX and VINC are ignored). If Item = MAT, TYPE, REAL, or ESYS and if VMIN is positive, the absolute value of Item is compared against the range for selection; if VMIN is negative, the signed value of Item is compared. See the KLIST (p. 942) command for a discussion of signed attributes.


Maximum value of item range. VMAX defaults to VMIN.


Value increment within range. Used only with integer ranges (such as for keypoint numbers). Defaults to 1. VINC cannot be negative.


Absolute value key:

kabs = 0

Check sign of value during selection.

kabs = 1

Use absolute value during selection (sign ignored).


Numpy array with the ids of the selected entities. For more information visit Postprocessing.


Selects a subset of keypoints or hard points. For example, to select a new set of keypoints based on keypoint numbers 1 through 7, use

>>> mapdl.ksel('S', 'KP', '', 1, 7)

The selected subset is used when the ALL label is entered (or implied) on other commands, such as KLIST,ALL. Only data identified by keypoint number are selected. Data are flagged as selected and unselected; no data are actually deleted from the database.

This command is valid in any processor.

For selections based on non-integer numbers (coordinates, results, etc.), items that are within the range VMIN -Toler and VMAX + Toler are selected. The default tolerance Toler is based on the relative values of VMIN and VMAX as follows:

If VMIN = VMAX, Toler = 0.005 x VMIN.

If VMIN = VMAX = 0.0, Toler = 1.0E-6.

If VMAX ≠ VMIN, Toler = 1.0E-8 x (VMAX - VMIN).

Use the SELTOL command to override this default and specify Toler explicitly.

Table: 203:: : KSEL - Valid Item and Component Labels


To select a single keypoint (keypoint 1)

>>> mapdl.ksel('S', 'KP', '', 1)