store#'', npts='', **kwargs)#

Stores data in the database for the defined variables.



Valid labels:

MERGE - Merge data from results file for the time points in memory with the existing

data using current specifications (default).

NEW - Store a new set of data, replacing any previously stored data with current

result file specifications and deleting any previously- calculated (OPER) variables. Variables defined using the ANSOL command are also deleted.

APPEN - Append data from results file to the existing data.

ALLOC - Allocate (and zero) space for NPTS data points.

PSD - Create a new set of frequency points for PSD calculations (replacing any

previously stored data and erasing any previously calculated data).


The number of time points (or frequency points) for storage (used only with Lab = ALLOC or PSD). The value may be input when using POST26 with data supplied from other than a results file. This value is automatically determined from the results file data with the NEW, APPEN, and MERGE options. For the PSD option, NPTS determines the resolution of the frequency vector (valid numbers are between 1 and 10, defaults to 5).


This command stores data from the results file in the database for the defined variables [NSOL, ESOL, SOLU, JSOL] per specification [FORCE, LAYERP26, SHELL]. See the Basic Analysis Guide for more information.

The STORE,PSD command will create a new frequency vector (variable 1) for response PSD calculations [RPSD]. This command should first be issued before defining variables [NSOL, ESOL, RFORCE] for which response PSD’s are to be calculated.