
Mapdl.dv3d(lab='', key='', **kwargs)#

Sets 3-D device option modes.

APDL Command: /DV3D


Mode label:

ACCU - Allows ANSYS to use the accumulation buffer for OpenGL graphics. Activating

this feature will provide faster model rotation when shaded backgrounds are in use. This feature is off by default.

ACTR - Label term to designate the cursor position as the center for automatic dynamic

rotational center capability. The subsequent Key value (see below) turns this capability on and off. This feature is on by default. (Available for OpenGL displays only)

ANIM - Animation mode. The ANIM option allows you to create animation frames in

pixmap mode instead of display list mode. This may improve large model performance, but it eliminates local manipulation while animation is in progress. This feature is on by default.

ANTI - Label term to control Anti-aliasing, a smoothing technique for your graph

plots. (see below) The subsequent Key value turns this capability on and off. The default for this feature is off. (Available for OpenGL displays only).

CNTR - Switches banded contours on (1) or off (0) for your 3–D contour display. The

default is 1 (ON). Other contour parameters such as number of contours or the increment and range are defined using the /CONTOUR command. When either 9 or 128 contours are specified via /CONTOUR, this command is ignored and a smooth contour is always displayed.

DGEN - Local manipulation degenerate mode. You access the DGEN option to set wire-

frame local manipulation mode for 3-D devices (device dependent). This feature is off by default.

DLIST - With DLIST, you can specify whether screen updates and redraws will be

performed using the ANSYS Display List (off), or the 3-D device’s Display List (on). DLIST is on by default for Windows systems, but off for Linux.

DELS - You use DELS to suppress contour display screen overwrites when /NOERASE is

active. This prevents the bleed-through that occurs when you overlay contour plots.

TRIS - Triangle strip mode. Tri-stripping provides faster 3-D display capabilities and

is on by default. Some display enhancements, such as texturing, are adversely affected by tri-stripping. You can turn off tri-stripping in order to improve these display functions. Be sure to turn tri-stripping on after the desired output is obtained.


The following key options apply to Lab = ACCU:

0 - (OFF) The accumulation buffer is not accessed. (default)

1 - (ON) Access to the buffer is enabled.


ANSYS uses display list animation for its 3-D models. This memory resident array method interfaces with the OpenGL model information to allow the program to efficiently pan, zoom, rotate and dynamically manipulate your model during animation. The logo, legend, contour and other annotation items are produced in 2-D and will not appear when /DV3D, ANIM, 0 is in effect. To display these items, use /DV3D, ANIM, 1. All screen data will be displayed, but manipulation of the model will not be possible.