- Mapdl.shsd(rid='', action='', **kwargs)#
Creates or deletes a shell-solid interface to be used in shell-to-solid assemblies.
APDL Command: SHSD
- Parameters:
- rid
The real constant set ID that identifies the contact pair on which a shell-to-solid assembly is defined. If ALL, all selected contact pairs will be considered for assembly.
- Action
: Builds new shell and contact elements to be used in shell-to-solid assemblies (default). New elements are stored as internally-created components."DELETE"
: Deletes the nodes and elements created during a previous execution of SHSD,RID,CREATE for the real constant set identified by RID.
The SHSD command creates a shell-solid interface to be used in shell-to-solid assemblies, or deletes a previously-created shell-solid interface. “Virtual” shell elements and additional CONTA175 elements are created at the contact pair identified by RID when Action = CREATE. Set Action = DELETE to remove the generated nodes and elements at the contact pair identified by RID.
For further details, see: